By: Amy Thomas
Its 7 am. I do not want to be up right now, the alarm annoys, and I rise. Coffee. White clothing. Bike across the Quarter at 7:30 in the morning to get your butt smacked. Literally :)
Today is not only the same day as the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, but it is also Bastille Day, the celebrated storming of armory for weapons in Paris of the people, and New Orleans is taking full advantage of both.
Why the white clothing you might ask..well, first up for the day at 8am is the Running of the Bulls, which consists of hundred of white clothed, partially inebriated 'runners' and Roller Derby girls wielding plastic bats and horned helmets as 'bulls'.
The horn blows and we are off, actually running from these ladies, getting smacked in the but every couple minutes or seconds, scurrying when one comes up from behind, and taking in the other 'runners'. You have everything from families, girls with their hair straightened and their short skirts and tiny flip flops unable to hack it in the early heat, old men dressed as matadors, a motorized cooler bike, and my favorite a Zach Galifinakis look-a-like with white cut-off shorts, a white shirt tucked into these oh so tiny shorts, suspenders, a white matador jacket, a beret, a case of beer in his hand, pilot goggles,and the most hilarious jaunt fleeing from oncoming bulls.